All we want to do is give you your money back!!!
We provide a background check on your Russian lady, Ukrainian lady, or lady from other country (Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), or Internet friend, Date, or business partner Order Now!
The Basic Report will include, when available, current address information, historical address information, date of birth, information related to person, phone numbers. Plus when available, the names of an individual's relatives and other people who have used the individual's address(es) and other information.
We give you the power and search options to perform a thorough background check. Our goal is to help relieve any doubt concerning a potential spouse or relative's background. We are here to help you get the facts and make wise decisions. You can have ease of mind knowing the person you are trusting is legitimate. We help to get you fast and accurate results.
We'll find out if your virtual pal is all he or she claims to be by running a search of more than 1 billion records contained in Russian national and specific databases. This takes about three to five days.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. All search results will be e-mailed your within 67 business days.
If the subject cannot be found, we give you a complete refund of your full purchase price.
All information provided is subject to the accuracy of the Public Records from which the report is compiled. We cannot assume responsibility for incorrect information provided in the initial request that is needed to initiate a search, and do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or currentness of information provided as a result of the search. We hereby expressly disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
ScammersRU not its agents, shall be liable to any person, nor any or all claims or liabilities resulting from a search. No results can be guaranteed.
We the most current and updated databases available to compile the information on the Background Check in order to provide our clients with the best results.
Please make sure that you have read and understand the above information.
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