Pavlo is a males name, and only males. All Russian/Ukrainian female names and surnames end on "A")
Dear Jeffrey. Thank you very much for your answer. The main problem is that I live in a students hostel (as you know). And they dont allow as to use the phone and we also havent a postbox so a postman doesnt come here. The only way I can speak with you is Internet. I want to send you letters and receive yours very much. I ask my provider if you can help me and he said that you can send some money through the nearest Western Union service like you said (Sorry for asking you about it, its very shame to me, all my face is red, you even dont know me and I asking you about it). Please, Jeffrey, say if you can help me in such way, if you can it would be very nice and Ill be able to write and write you till we meet. I think itll happen. I cant say how much money you have to send, I cant do it simply because you are not in the shop and Im not a shop asistent who can say a price. I feel you as my close friend, so I cant say you how much. Each letter from you and every my letter costs me about 2$USA. But my provider promised me if I pay 120$USA in one day Ill be able to use e-mail without any limits till we meet. Of course I think the second variant is the best one, but everything depends on you. I hope that someday I can help you in something. Dear Jeffrey, please, send money to Pavlo Syrotuk82100, Ukraine Drogobych Borislavskaya Street 8(its the address of the nearest Western Union here). My full name is Pavlo Syrotuk. But if you want to send it to my provider, I can ask his account and you can send money right to him. Dear Jeffrey I cant now send a long letter, without paying a penny to my provider. Please, if you can help me, do it as soon as you can, I dont want to loose you. Ill be waiting for your answer very much. Sincerely yours.Pavee