Last letter
Hello my sweet Les! I am very happy to hear from you. I re-read your letters again and I think of you always! I desire as a life partner only the man that can communicate with me their feelings, thoughts, desires and wishes and you dear I feel from our correspondence will continue to have a very good ability to communicate and share our lives. You are a very special man, you complete my world, you are my world, and you are the greatest and the only very special man in the world for me! I love you, miss you, and think of you always! I pray that I may always make you the happiest man in the world in the love I am able to give you and that I may always communicate my love for you always in my words and my actions! Well, dear, I love you, your letters did make me very happy but now I see ton mistrusting in them & it make me very sad. Now I feel myself very bad, even my Love man dont support me in a difficult minute. Every advices you have told me to do, here everything are unuseful. As for the fax, I was said in the bank that I cant receive money so. Les, I am so unhappy. This man is very serious. All his relatives work in the Police. And he said that if I am not pay by the end of the week, he will go to the court on Monday. I cant leave country & maybe I will be in the prison. Dear, help me. The only way in this situation to pay to this man, but I cant because of I havent so much money. If you help me then you & your family will see that I neednt your money & the only thing I need is YOU!!!!! I hope to hear from you soon! All my love, hugs, and kisses, Irina
Hello my dear, Les! Today I went to the police and took the report and picture about my accident. Do you see the car, which can be called" Mercedes" even some days and this is what has left from it after this terrible accident. The other car has less damage then mine it was slight look and I wasnt seriously wanted and my health is ok. But the policeman, said that: Mercedes" cant be stored, so I have to pay for the damage. The total cost is 4820 $ USA, I asked to translate the report from Byelorussia into English, so you will get both. If dont pay for damage Ill have to go thought the court and Ill be judged. And there is also a period of time during which I have to pay. It is 25 days. If I manage to do this in time, everything will ok and the case wont be passed to the court. If anyway the case is in the court. Ill not be allowed to leave my country for 3 years and you understand: dear, Les that our dream to meet each other in person wont came true. Dear, Les its terribly hard for me to find way out from this situation, especially in that time, when Ive finally found my real love. Youre my dear Les the only man, whom Ive ever loved, you know I think that new life has started for me, because you came in my heart. But alas! All the dreams, hopes, desire are broken with this damned car. Oh, my Cod nobody could help me here. My love, only you can decide and tell what I have to do. My mother is also at loss, she want me to be happy with you, so she even has make her mind up to sell our flat. It cost 7000$ USA is but it takes some months to sell it, but I have to pay for damage for 25 days. Dear, Les it only could help me so I could come to you, and during this time my mother will sell our flat and send back money to you. My love Les, you know that we have been waiting for happy moment of our meeting, we write you so tender and beautiful letter, where we say: I love you" to each other. So, we fall in love. Please, my love, dont leave me alone in this trouble, if I could say in words how much I love you and need you. Youre my only hope in my life. The warmest hugs and know that my love is only for you. Yours forever Irina.