Beware, Dave B. (Tennessee, USA)
Hi !!.To me very much to like your structure on it a site and I to decide to write you. This day will be main in my life.. I to want, that we it is good to know each other and to understand completely. You probably already notice what to use the interpreter when to write to you. I to do(make) it, because I am not so good to know the English language. But it should not be a problem between us. I to want to study your language and to learn(teach) you Russian. It will be very interesting and it is useful for us. As to know language and culture other country it is very important. It is the help to us will speak is open. I to want to tell you, that acquaintance through the Internet this new to me. I never to do(make) it earlier. I very much to worry and to be afraid. I to not trust, that such happens, but my girlfriend to get acquainted and now she(it) is happy. I to decide(solve) to try to write to you. I to worry, but I shall be open and there will be a story about itself. Now I shall speak about myself. ??. Me call Tatyana. I live in Russia. It is the very large country, which to have was a lot of an opportunity, but as I to think, she(it) to not open yet all potential. In Russia is all for good life: resources, there is a lot of ground, the clever people, but now there is a transitive period. The people here trust, that all will be speed well, but for the present it is not known how many still to wait. Though the people, which want to work and to have the purpose in life, live happily. There were only people, which bring up at kommunism and very difficultly to break their stereotype about life, when for you to do(make) all state. They to not know, that such the market, market attitudes(relations) and business. You do not think, that I so to divide(share) the people and to speak so, but it is the Russian reality. I to think what there to know about Russia and to know our life. I too much to know about your country, but to want to study more concerning it. You will learn(teach) me about your country and city? It is very interesting to me! I live in city Ulan-Ude. It is small city in comparison with other cities. It(he) is in east part Russia, near to lake of Baikal. This very beautiful and rather pure(clean) lake. Our city is industrial here again to make the much industrial goods (to add about city). Now you to know about, where I live. I to think, that it was interesting to you to learn(find out) it. I was born and has grown here. Here I to go in a childrens garden, at school and in university. With me to remain very good memoirs on my childhood. I was the very vigorous and inquisitive girl. Now to me 27 years and I already to work. I to work in library. It is childrens library. She(it) small and only for the schoolboys. We have a lot of book for school and almost all the book the Russian writer and poet. In our library each day to come it is a lot of children. With them it is very interesting to work. I to explain them what book by him(it) it is better to take to study only on an excellent(different) estimation. They very much to love our library. With me to work 4 men. It is the women, at which very much wide experience and I to study at them. I to work here it is not so long. In university I to study as building faculty. I to receive maximum formation(education) and should work as the engineer the builder. But at us the work and I can not find such is very difficult to find. Everywhere to require(demand) the experience it is not less 5 years and young experts very difficultly to find work. I can be arranged at work in library. I to not pity(regret) about it, but I always to dream be the builder and to work in building organization. I to trust, that my dream will be a reality. I shall aspire to this. My work not complex(difficult), but she(it) to borrow(occupy) a lot of time. My working day to begin in 9.00am. At us is not present dinner and I to come back home only in 20.00pm. The library is far from our house and I to go before work on the bus. I to love to work. You not strongly to get tired when to read my letter? I simply to want to tell to you the life. I to hope, that you to understand, that I to write to you. Now I very much to get tired and I shall write about itself more in the following letter. I shall wait from you the letter and information on you, if you to want, that I to know about you am more. Good to you of day. I hope your friend Olga. If I you interest you can to write on mine e-mail