Soon thereafter, she broke off communications with me. Her last letter arrived on December 14, 2001. I, of course, concluded that my suspicions were correct: This was an attempted scam. But I did not fall for it, and she decided to move on to her next potential victim.For what it may (or may not) be worth, she claimed that her mailing address was: Olga Akpulatova Gorkogo 24-6 Kazan, Russia 420024Looking back on it all, the one thing that perplexes me is how she initially got my e-mail address (I have several, but the one she used to contact me is not "published"). The only way she could have contacted me at that e-mail address would be if she subscribed to But, given that she herself had never posted her profile on, plus my feeling that she would *not* spend the money to subscribe, I remain puzzled as to how she discovered my e-mail address. Martin
Hi. My name is Olga. I very strongly like your data. I wish to get acquainted with such person as you. Your data have simply fascinated me and if I you have interested that write to me. Mine Write please to me on this address as for technical reasons I can not use е-mail Olga_200. P.S. I want to add from myself, that in turn I shall offer you mutual understanding, respect and love...
...But before our meeting it is a lot of difficulties. I have the girlfriend which work in travel agency. She has told me that the visa in USA which resolves arrival for 3 months to cost 350 dollars. It is very expensive for me. My salary makes 60 dollars per one month. Therefore I think that our meeting very much will be not fast. I need many months to save the sum of money for trip. I become very sad from it. We so far apart. Between us huge ocean, but in ideas I always with you. I love you very much. I grieve without you very much. I shall be closed now... For ever yours Olga
I am concerned and puzzled by your last few letters: They all are focused on the details regarding my sending you money to help you to get your visa and airplane tickets. You seem to be in a rush -- a *big* rush -- to come over here. But we have been communicating with each other for less than one month. This is a very short time -- *too* short to make such an important decision