Thanks for your website, it has saved me a lot of grief, Bob
Hi my love Bob. If you want to arrive to me I shall you wait. But at us is very cold. We in city do not have airport. In Vladivostok there is an airport, but from my city up to Vladivostok large distance. I rang in the American embassy, they have advised me to take the visa of the tourist, This visa B-2, she(it) is real during 90 days. She(it) costs(stands) 350 bucks, But I now do not have such money. If you can, transmit them to me through Western Union, address of separation: AVANGARD BANK PROLETARSKAYA, 17 MAGADAN MAGADAN 685000 RU Tania Alexandrova My girlfriend to work in bank and she(it) to me to advise the system Western Union, she(it) to speak that it is the most reliable and fast system of remittances. This system should be in each bank. If you will help me with money and our occurring, you to go in bank and there to give you 10 digits when you to dispatch money, 10 digits you to dispatch to me and about the help these 10 digits I can gain your money here in my city in bank. I Very much of rad that you want to see me, unfortunately, to meet Are necessary money, but money it only paper, main that we shall meet with By you. We should trust each other because we like each other and we soon Lets meet. I rang to a uncle in Vladivostok and it(he) has told that can make to me The ticket with the discount, but for this purpose is necessary to know where nearest to you The international airport. Still I talked to my girlfriend which works in travel agency and She(it) has told me that the visa B-2 the best variant that to us with you to meet. She(it) speaks that when we shall meet we can discuss that as we shall live Further. Yesterday I saw sex dream about us with you, it(he) very much has liked me also I want To tell it(him) to you. Me has dreamed as we with you we meet, as you take Me on arms(hand), we go to you home. For you at home we go at once in a bedroom and you Begin to undress me, our hearts are beaten synchronously, we are passionately kissed and You begin to learn(teach) me to all pleasures of sex. I to love you and I begin to understand that love this such strong feeling, I of rad That I could test it(him) due to you. With love forever yours Tania....