Hello! How are you? I have casually seen your structure on add, and it has very much liked me. I have decided to write to you the letter. I think, that you very good person and that you to me I approach, and we with you shall continue dialogue with each other. I shall be very glad, if at me to appear the friend in internet!!! Write to me, please is more detailed the information on. I shall tell not much about myself: My name is Natalya. I very much like to listen to classical music Bethoven, Mosart and Chaikovsky, this music calms and inspirits, but also to like me various music depending on mood. I receive great pleasure from walks on fresh air, from it I receive very strong charge of energy and it helps me in life. I like to look at stars at the moon, because I very romantic girl. If you the letter write to me the letter has interested you mine and I to answer you and to send a photo. I shall wait for your answer. Write to me on E-mail: natiksm_911@fromru.com