Anastasiya Kazanceva from Cheboksary, Russia a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Anastasiya Kazanceva the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2010-11-06 , financial damage US $ 250

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russian dating scammer Anastasiya Kazanceva`s photo russian dating scammer Anastasiya Kazanceva`s photo russian dating scammer Anastasiya Kazanceva`s photo russian dating scammer Anastasiya Kazanceva`s photo russian dating scammer Anastasiya Kazanceva`s photo
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Anastasiya Kazanceva
Is she the russian scammer? We known where she lives!
Cheboksary, Russia
Is she the russian scammer? All known e'mail of this scammer, which we have!
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Is She the russian scammer? All known additional details of this scammer, which we have. If we have a text of scammer's letter(s), it'll be remark in this color.

Another scammer from Zoosk. She is about 29 years old and the city is Cheboksary. She contacted me to have a flirt, but, as I saw with the first scammer, she sends the e-mail always to my nickname, not my real name, also if I continue all times to tell her my real name. Her birthday date is 22th february 1981. She has a 55 years old father and 51 years old mother. She is 171 cm long and she can transmit on internet only from a cafe near her house. After the third e-mail I thought that she is another scammer, because the step-by-step method to know the "victim" is almost the same of othyer scammers I knew.

The first letter was in italian language: ---->>From Anastasiya Kazanceva Ciao ABC ! Sono molto lieto di ricevere la vostra risposta. E la prima cosa che voglio dire e grazie. E 'molto bello vedere me la vostra lettera, perche significa che in questo mondo immenso qualcuno pensa di me. Chiedo di perdonarmi se la mia lettera ti sembrera strano e incoerente. Solo per me e difficile avviare la datazione te stesso. Sono ragazza modesta e timida, e quindi mi preoccupo un po '. Ma spero che se avra luogo in qualsiasi momento e siamo in grado di conoscere meglio, e possiamo arrivare a conoscersi meglio. Sto iniziando a scrivere a voi, e forse in questa lettera dovrebbe dire qualcosa su di me. Si, certo, devo inviare le foto. In primo luogo diro quando sono nata e l'eta. Sono nato il 22 febbraio 1981. Questo significa che presto saro eseguito 29 anni, probabilmente gia in eta di grandi dimensioni. La famiglia ero un bambino solo e non ho fratelli, sorelle. Ora vivo con i genitori in un piccolo appartamento. Penso che questa volta e il momento di pensare alla vita futura. Mi piacerebbe tanto avere la tua famiglia, e ci tengo a educare i loro figli. Io amo i bambini e mi piacerebbe davvero ad allevare i figli, non so per quanto tempo voglio dei bambini Perche dovrebbe dipendere non solo da me ma dai miei uomini, perche e stato a capo della famiglia e che dovrebbe anche Per pensare i bambini. Io lavoro a stretto contatto e cresciuto nel villaggio di Cheboksary Il mio villaggio nella repubblica Chuvshy e 700 chilometri da Mosca. Mio padre lavora in milizia. Tu sei chiamato la polizia. Mia mamma lavora in un negozio, che sara vicino a casa. Si vende il pane. Immagino che dovrei raccontarvi i miei genitori, ma in un'altra lettera. Ora vorrei dire di piu su di te che mi potrebbe rappresentare. Ho gia detto che sono nato nel 1981. E come la maggior parte bambini, sono andato a scuola a 7 anni. Ora capisco che i miei genitori non potevano stare costantemente con me e mi danno all'asilo. Ma mi ricordo quando ero giovane non mi piaceva giardino per i bambini, perche volevo stare con i loro genitori. Dopo di che sono andato a scuola. Non so perche, ma non riesco a studiare bene senza sforzo in un momento in cui altri bambini hanno problemi di apprendimento. Mi sono diplomato di scuola superiore con un diploma del Rosso nel 2001. Su questo, la mia forma non e stata completata e sono andato a studiare presso l'istituto, sono arrivato li senza problemi perche avevo diploma di rosso dopo aver lasciato la scuola. Si dice che ho studiato molto bene, mi ha aiutato imparare a titolo gratuito all'Istituto. Ho finito l'Istituto di Pedagogia nel 2006 e dopo che non ho imparato. Ho sempre si e rivelato non solo imparare, ma e bene spiegare e mi poteva insegnare ai bambini. Dopo la laurea, ha iniziato a lavorare presso la scuola. E da allora io lavoro come insegnante per i bambini. Io insegno solo i bambini, che venivano dal giardino dei bambini. Ho insegnato loro tutte le scienze. Ho insegnato loro a leggere ea scrivere. Io amo i bambini e mi piace molto quello che faccio. Lavorare con i bambini richiede attenzione, e credo che con i bambini lavorare un po 'piu difficile che con gli adulti. Come ho detto il mio lavoro e molto come me, e ideale per aiutare i bambini. Alla mia eta, a diventare chiaro che i bambini sono il nostro futuro e sto cercando di imparare a loro volume, che posso, e anche un po 'di piu. L'amore dei bambini e venuto da me con la mia eta, e ora voglio dei bambini. Il mio sogno e di avere la famiglia perfetta in cui la famiglia centro sempre caldo. Voi mi chiederete perche ho scritto a te? Ma io non lo so, e perche siete alla ricerca di qualcuno? Mi piaci, voglio trovare la felicita. Ho gia detto che io sono una ragazza timida, e quindi non so come spiegare a voi che cosa sto parlando a voi, e perche no? Difficile per me incontrare la gente per strada, e non riuscivo a trovare un maschio qui sulla mia terra nativa per la quale sono pronto a tutto. Il mio amico mi ha consigliato al lavoro per cercare di trovare su Internet. Dovrei scrivere una lettera da un Internet cafe, perche non aveva un computer a casa. E 'piuttosto costoso, cosa mettere sul vostro computer di casa. Nel nostro paese, molte persone non hanno il computer a casa. Mi auguro quindi che sia bene che vi scrivo da un internet cafe. Il tenore di vita in Russia non sono cosi elevate come in altri paesi e probabilmente semplice. Solo ti prego di capirmi correttamente io non voglio che pensiate che io mi lamento. Vorrei guadagnare abbastanza soldi per vivere qui. Io penso che questa mia lettera si e conclusa, e spero che sia una lettera molto lunga, che vi distraggono. Ora e possibile leggere e se siete d'accordo con quello che ho scritto, possiamo continuare a saperne di piu. Posso sperare che posso farti una domanda: "Lei e d'accordo ad avere una relazione seria con una ragazza russa?" Lee "Lei e d'accordo a proseguire relazione con lei. Sono in ogni caso ti auguro solo delle merci e spero che il vostro tempo prossima lettera. Il vostro nuovo amico Anastasiya! The second message: ---->> Hi my friend ABC !!! I am very glad that I can to read your letter. For me was by a pleasant surprise to see your letter. Therefore I want to tell you a thank. You have a lot of work? I can to you than help? When I searched for someone on the Internet, I have sent the message to four men, but has received back only from you and I am very glad to this. I am glad because your structure has liked me most of all, I waited back only from you and consequently you probably can not even present as I is glad. The Internet of cafe to be not close to my house. But this distance not a problem for me because I am ready to pass many difficulties to speak with you again. I would like to spend in cafe more time speaking with you, but it happens difficultly for me because of my work. I very much want to learn more from you and me also it would be desirable to tell as much more about itself. I hope that my last letter was not too large. And you were frightened by it. I am simple not worried also much to me it would be desirable to speak very much. Allow me to tell about the family. My father was born in the city of Sankt Petersburg. To it now 55 years. My father the militarian, but now he on pension. he strongly got tired of the work and I saw it. And when I was small we went to have a rest on a nature, and it very much was pleasant to me. My mum was born in Mari El in 1957 and her now 51 years. My parents have met in Mari El, it happened after my daddy have sent there to work. The militarians frequently send in other cities, and then it remained here as here was more prospects for a life. Here they also have remained to live. After wedding I have appeared. I grew without the sisters and without the brothers. I do not know why I was one in family, but probably to my parents it was not simple, because of work of the father. I hope that my parents have liked you and I necessarily shall send you their picture. Certainly I very much love mine the parents. And I think that me very much was lucky with the parents, but I became adult and I need to think of the family. I hope that that what I speak you can understand and read without problems? The study of my language began at school. I very much liked this language. After school I have continued to study the English language on special rates. I read many textbooks and was engaged with the teachers. I spoke that I liked to study and I studied this subject with pleasure. I probably make mistakes? But I hope that them not much. Simply practice is necessary for me and I think that I can speak normally. I shall be honour and I shall tell that I sometimes use by the interpreter, I hope what you it not strongly disturbs? Me was lucky because when I studied education was free-of-charge and I could much study. Now all very dearly and now I can not be engaged with the teachers. But I think that to me enough that knowledge that I have received. My growth 5 ' 6, my growth 171 ids, I watch the figure and I shall do it always, because I love always to be in the form. I very much love to look films about happy love and I dream of that that it at me sometime will be. This my dream from childhood as well as at many girls. In the past I have met which man strongly has grown fond. But I was silly. he has deceived me and me was very sick. But not looking on it I continue to trust in love. It is one more reason on which I write you. I want will meet the man which is worthy by my clean and sincere love. Which will never deceive me. I always trusted in such light feelings as love, friendship, fidelity, fidelity, kindness. I could not meet such man in Russia. I am to be trusted that you which that man I searched! I hope what not strongly has tired you with the story about itself. I shall be glad to answer your any questions but I not always I can understand a question. Therefore I ask to not be run if I can not answer your question. I am very glad that we can to continue our acquaintance further. I ask write to me more about itself. I shall be very glad more to learn you. For me it is very important. In hope that our relations can go above. To my friend !!! With impatience Anastasiya!!! The third message: ----> Hello my dear friend ABC ! In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> Hello my dear friend ABC ! When I wrote to you the last letter. I had cheerful mood. No, I've never been to Italy! Therefore I wanted to joke to transfer you my mood. I want to tell you, that in Russia to live hardly, but is cheerful. The laughter prolongs life, I speak it to you as the the teacher. The person sometimes should laugh. Therefore do not think that I not serious girl. Now, as speak in Russia, joke in a side. I want tell you I like to do when I have a free time. I like to read novels about love and to look soap operas. I spoke you that I like to look films about love. I like the Russian films about love and American films. I shall name to you names of films that you could understand: " 72 meters " (Russia); "Titanik" (USA). If you did not look these films I give you advice to look them, they will like you. In these films is shown a true love and tragedy. All people dream of such love. What kind of music I like? I do not have any favourite group. I love quiet slow music For example from foreign music I like a song "Beatles" - ("Yesterday" I hope that you understand what music to me it is pleasant is slow dancinq music. As_Pushkin A.S. wrote. (I hope that you heard about this well-known in all world writer) frosty, winter evenings I like to knit a sweater, a jacket and socks all of them from a wool. Because in the winter in Russia it is cold. I have not told you that we have a garden behind city. Therefore in the summer each week we go in a garden. We raise in a garden: apples, a currant, a potato, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. I do not drink vodka but in a holiday I can allow to drink to myself a little of champagne. What I like to eat. I love salads, especially salad from tomatoes with cucumbers filled with sour cream. But sometimes I like to have a meal pel'menis. You know that such pel'menis? These are such balls of meat wrapped up in a dough. Then they cook in water. They move to a table with a broth in which they cooked or is simple with mayonnaise. I hope that you sometime will try this dish. I feel, that we with each letter become closer to each other. Therefore I shall tell about myself more. I spoke you that I can not gets acquainted at once. Therefore I had no long time of the guy. When I studied at university I have got acquainted with the guy. In that day I went on a trolley bus to defend the diploma, and to receive higher education. In a trolley bus with me seat the modest guy. He has seen my degree work, in a result we have got acquainted. But me has very much surprised that when examination was finished, he has come to university with the big bouquet of roses to congratulate me. I have told that I can not accept from him such expensive gift. But, he has told me that he the businessman and money for him is not a problem. And me was necessary to admit to him that I have a allerqy on flowers. But he has quickly found variant. We have found my teacher at university and have presented this bouquet to her. After was love, he promised to present me all world, spoke that we are created the friend for the friend. But only after one year I have found out that he has other side of a medal - the dark. He was not the businessman, on the contrary he took away money from businessmen. He was consist in a gangster grouping which with the help of blackmail and threats took away money. Then I have told him or he throws this dark business or I shall left him. And he has made the choice. We have left. I have becomr alone and have already lost hope to find decent the male. It's very good that I wrote you. I am very glad. May be it's destiny has reduced us purposely. And we we are created the friend for the friend. Though, if I shall be fair if I had an opportunity to leave to live in other country I would go with pleasure. But what I shall do in other country? I don't know, what I could to do in other country. I have work, I have parents whom I love. One, that I haven't here - it is the male with which I can to create own family. Probably, I treat male from my country intently after my last acquaintance with the male. I don't know. But I have difficulties with acquaintance with male. And now I very gladm that we have started to correspond with each other. I hope that we shall not stop on it. Now when I have written to you this letter I am afraid that you can me not to answer. Please don't cease to write me letters. With your letters I forget my past, and I start to think of the future more. I am sure, that we are waited the fine future, Probably I speak about it early. You see we know about each other a little. And the further acquaintance is necessary for us. But we have taken the first step. And we should make many steps before we can tell each other: " I love you ". And I very much hope, that you really will agree with me. And we shall correspond further. I shall wait letter from you. Your Friend Anastasiya!
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