Yuliya Shkurlatova from Kurgan, Krivolapova 13a a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Yuliya Shkurlatova the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2012-11-04 , financial damage US $ 250

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Is she the russian scammer? All known names (aliases) of this scammer, which we have!
Yuliya Shkurlatova
Is she the russian scammer? We known where she lives!
Kurgan, Krivolapova 13a
Is she the russian scammer? All known e'mail of this scammer, which we have!
Where you can to Spot and Meet Russian Dating Scammer (site(s), appplication(s))

Is she the russian scammer? For receive your money, she used this Bank Account
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Is she the russian scammer? All known phone numbers (usernames on Skype, WhatsApp etc) of this scammer, which we have!

Is She the russian scammer? All known additional details of this scammer, which we have. If we have a text of scammer's letter(s), it'll be remark in this color.

Ona na??la m??j inzer??t na lid?©.cz. Napsala ??e se chce sezn??mit. Pou???­vala google translaze do ??esk?©ho jazyka. Pracuje jako ???­??nice v kav??rn?›. Psali jsme si asi 2 m?›s?­ce. Netu??il jsem ??e ona m????e b??t podvodnice (scammer). Poslali jsme si hodn?› fotografi?­ a asi 25 email??. Psali jsme si hodn?› zamilovan?© a kr??sn?©,emotivn?­ emaily. Ke konci jsme p?™e??li na chat (ICQ). Psala ??e za???­n?? jej?­ dovolen?? a ??e p?™ilet?­ do Prahy. Cht?›la abych poslal je??t?› 400 Euro na visum, pasport a letenky. Psal jsem ??e je brzo na to abych pos?­lal pen?­ze ??e se osobn?› nezn??me! Napsal jsem o rusk??ch podvodnic?­ch. Napsal jsem ??e s??m p?™ilet?­m! Za??ala se vymlouvat ??e ona bude v pr??ci a nem????e o mne pe??ovat a podobn?›. Po t?© je??t?› poslala oskenovan?? ob??ansk?? pr??kaz. Psal jsem ??e na cestu u??et?™?­me. Napsala ??e bu??to po??lu a nebo odejde na v??dy! Po t?© se u?? neozvala! Jej?­ telefon (smart) fungoval jen pro rusko. tel: +79047248782 webkamera tak?© nefungovala. Ani do internet kav??rny na web kameru necht?›la! Mysl?­m si ??e v kav??rn?› pracuje cel?? podvodn?? spole??nost! Psala ??e v pr??ci velk?? d??v?›ra!

Dobr?? den, m??j mil?? princi Jirka! douf??m, ??e jste se neurazil na mou reakci na n?›kter?© z prodlen?­.M?›la jsem hodn?› pr??ce a j?? jsem nemohla odpov?›d?›t d?™?­v. Nenechte se urazit? Jsem velmi r??da ??e jsem obdr??ela n??dhern?? dopis. M????ete napsat takov?? up?™?­mn?? dopis! Neust??le ne n??s mysl?­m, ??e budeme spolu. V???? vzhled v??znam?› napl?€uje m??j ??ivot... C?­tila jsem jak je nutn?© - v?›d?›t, ??e na t?©to zemi jste a jak d??le??it?? jsi pro mn?› - ???­t pro tebe! Jsi moj?­ nejdra?????­ osobou! Jakmile zav?™u o??i, c?­t?­m t?› velmi bl?­zko. Sly???­m tv??j dech, c?­t?­m teplo va???­ poko??ky, ruce n?›ha a v????e?€ tv??ch rt??. Mysl?­te si ??e , m??j drah??, j?? u?? nechci vzpom?­nat co se stalo p?™edt?­m, ne?? ty vstoupil do m?©ho ??ivot. Jste pro mne jako dou??ek studen?© vody v pou??ti. K dispozici jste pouze vy a co s tebou d?›lat. Chci s tebou str??vit cel?? ??ivot, tak kde budu bydlet. A tak d??le....z?­tra j?? zjist?­m jak spolu komunikovat v re??ln?©m ??ase! Te?? jsem velmi unaven?? a te?? budu odpo???­vat. Obj?­m??m t?› s l??skou a sladk?? polibek. A j?? douf??m ??e u?? brzy to budu d?›lat ka??d?? den! Va??e Yuliya
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  The veracity of the comment is left to the person's conscience and is a result of his personal experience in the Internet. The administration of this website cannot be held responsible for the information posted by its users (name of a russian scammer, photo of a dating scammer, telephone number of a scammer, etc.) and does not enter into correspondence with the people involved (you may comment on the posted information), does not clarify points at issue, cannot appear as a representative of a user in organizations or institutions.
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