Viktoria Drova from Kostroma a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Viktoria Drova the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2015-10-09 , financial damage US $ 250

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russian dating scammer Viktoria Drova`s photo russian dating scammer Viktoria Drova`s photo russian dating scammer Viktoria Drova`s photo
Is she the russian scammer? All known names (aliases) of this scammer, which we have!
Viktoria Drova
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Is she the russian scammer? All known e'mail of this scammer, which we have!
Where you can to Spot and Meet Russian Dating Scammer (site(s), appplication(s))

Is she the russian scammer? For receive your money, she used this Bank Account
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Is She the russian scammer? All known additional details of this scammer, which we have. If we have a text of scammer's letter(s), it'll be remark in this color.

A sad 27-year-old girl whose parents died in a car accident some time ago, which is unfortunate cause they were only people in the world who understood her. She's lonely and has trust issues, since her ex cheated on her and only wanted to bang. She has one sister who's married and with a baby, so Viki spends her free time with them to taste their happiness. Her sign is cancer, favourite color is red and she has cats and a ferret. She fell in love with me after three letters and promised me her love for eternity, even though I said I didn't want a long term and especially long distance relationship. She wanted to move to Slovakia (wrote me on a Slovak dating site), cause she said all Russian guys are bad men. We were writing Slovak, cause she studied this language, but the dude who's behind the mask is lazy and obviously uses some kind of internet translator, cause not even once he used the right gender when talking about persons (which is strange, cause Russian is also a fusional language and has almost the same grammar, especially when it comes to genders of things).

Ahoj, ja som rad, ze ste mi napisal. Prepac, ze som nemohol odpovedat ta hned, bol som v pracy. Dufam, ze budete spokojni precitat moj list a pozriet na moje foto. Ja ani neviem, co to ma zacat nasa znamost. Pre mna, zoznamenie Internet nie je znamy. A ja to robim prvykrat. Ale ja dufam, ze najdeme spolocnu rec. Teraz som osamely, a ja chcem najst na internete pre svoju druhu polovicu. Vzhladom k tomu, ze som velmi plachy dievca, stretnut sa na ulici. Ale teraz ste mi napisal, a mal som moznost sa zoznamit s vami lepsie. Dufam, ze vam to nevadi? A co vas viedlo k zoznamenie na internete? Zaujimalo by ma o tom vediet. Mozno, ze aj vy sam a chce najst druhu polovicu? Mam pravdu? Teraz si myslim, ze je potreba povedat nieco o sebe. Mam 27 rokov. Tie sa neboji v mojom veku? Domnievam sa, ze pre dievca, ktora vek je vhodny pre rodinu. Nikdy som nebol zenaty. Vsetok svoj volny cas som venovana prace. Praca pre mna je hlavne zamestnanie. Robim, manazerka, agentura prace. A ja som naozaj rad svoju pracu. Ja, len zaujem dozvediet sa viac o vasej praci. Dufam, ze mi povie. A povedz mi o svojom zivote. Co presne robite vo svojom volnom case, a ako su vase dni. Myslim, ze to bude zaujimave dozvediet sa o sebe navzajom. Chcem nas vztah k dalsiemu rozvoju. Vzhladom k tomu, travim vela casu v praci, mozem pisat vam raz denne. Dufam, ze nie si na mna nastvany kvoli tomu. A teraz, ked som vam niektore z mojich fotografii odoslat. Dufam, ze bude rad, ze ich vidi. A teraz budem cakat na vasu odpoved. Vasa nova priatelka Viktoriia.
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  The veracity of the comment is left to the person's conscience and is a result of his personal experience in the Internet. The administration of this website cannot be held responsible for the information posted by its users (name of a russian scammer, photo of a dating scammer, telephone number of a scammer, etc.) and does not enter into correspondence with the people involved (you may comment on the posted information), does not clarify points at issue, cannot appear as a representative of a user in organizations or institutions.
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