Natalia Korkunova from Tambov a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Natalia Korkunova the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2019-05-31 , financial damage US $ 1850

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russian dating scammer Natalia Korkunova`s photo russian dating scammer Natalia Korkunova`s photo russian dating scammer Natalia Korkunova`s photo
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Natalia Korkunova
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Natalia Korkunova Is a professional scammer . Ms. has name Natalia plus different names and places. She talk soft and after two months she wants money some 1850 US dollars.

Hello my gentle Love . I have received all your letters which waited with the big impatience and know darling today to me again the dream dreamt where there were we with you!!! In the dream I felt as your hands strong and passionately embrace me, your lips kiss me everywhere. It was the tremendous dream, I hesitate to tell to you my dream completely. When I have woken up my first thought was about you. Darling tell to me as you slept today? I want to be with you, I want to be only yours Darling/! Every day I am am pulled to you by all more strongly, you always in my thoughts! When I will see you for the first time to my happiness there will be no limit! I sincerely very much want to see you in real life to give you all love of my heart! I want, that you have learnt all my feelings and have to the full felt all my love to you! My gentle man. it is very heavy to me to speak to you about the sum which request in travel company for travel to you in country Canada! For me it is a great sum, it is a shame to me a little that such money for me is too big. In Russia because of crisis and sanctions of the various countries, against my country, our volute Rouble has depreciated. And for me it is really heavy to find such great sum of money. Now I want to tell in detail to you that it is necessary for me to have that I without problems could fly to you by the plane to your embraces. I never was earlier outside of the Russian Federation, I never was in other countries. Because of it I need to make all official papers for a departure from Russia. Now I will write you the list of all documents and the price. Cost of the obligatory insurance makes 70 dollars as the passport will be necessary for travel which cost of 55 dollars for me. To me have explained that for my travel to you, me which cost of 160 dollars, this cost together with payment of obligatory consular gathering will make out the Schengen tourist visa for a period of two months. As I need to pass medical inspection and survey. I need to pass 5 doctors, on 15 dollars (75 dollars) for each doctor, for passage of doctors I need to buy the inquiry which price of 80 dollars. In police as the inquiry, and fingerprints is necessary to me, I was in shock that each service paid. In police it will be necessary for me for the inquiry and fingerprints to pay 30 dollars. In total only on documents for travel to you in airport Toronto, ON, Canada (YYZ), I will need to spend: 470 dollars. You represent? As on conditions of my tourist visa, it is necessary for me for to reserve earlier return tickets (to you and back in Russia), thus the government of our country will be precisely assured that I will return back to Russia on the expiry of the term of my tourist visa if I do not prolong it. Cost of air tickets there and back makes 1370 dollars these are the cheapest tickets (685 dollars cost one ticket). The Total cost of my travel to you makes: 1840 dollars. I do not know as for you, for me it is really big money. Darling after visiting of travel company I very much was frightened, I was frightened that because of high cost of travel we cannot meet. I really do not know that to me to do. This situation does me very sad. Daniel you do not represent as me awkwardly now, even it is a shame. Now you see why I so were afraid to tell to you about the sum which to me is necessary for travel to you in Toronto. I do not know what to do. Darling, what you think of it? As I already wrote to you to me not important where there will be our meeting. We can meet in Russia if it is cheaper for you and it will be more convenient to you to travel to me. I want, that you have chosen itself where there will be our meeting. After all I do not have money for travel to you in Canada. If I could choose that I with the great pleasure itself would travel to you. I want, that our meeting was in Canada. But I cannot solve it itself. I have very much like to you sincere feelings, I really very much thank the lucky stars that it has reduced us together, I hope our acquaintance was not accident and we can solve all problems which have risen on our way. I love you! I hope already soon I will tell you these words in real life! I now very much worry. I hope we can find the decision. Darling tell to me as has passed your today? What at you new? How you feel? Darling, now I need to come back to my work. I want, that you knew that I constantly think of you and I wait for your letter with the big impatience! As I want to ask, that you have sent to me some the new photos if it is possible. To me it will be very pleasant if you send me your photos in following letters! Now I say goodbye to you Darling.. I gently kiss you on the mouth and strong I embrace! I hope day when we will fall asleep together will soon come. Yours and only your girl from Russia, Natalia!!
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