Polina Leznina from Lesnoy a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Polina Leznina the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2021-02-02 , financial damage US $ 435

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russian dating scammer Polina Leznina`s photo russian dating scammer Polina Leznina`s photo russian dating scammer Polina Leznina`s photo
Is she the russian scammer? All known names (aliases) of this scammer, which we have!
Polina Leznina
Is she the russian scammer? We known where she lives!
Is she the russian scammer? All known e'mail of this scammer, which we have!
Where you can to Spot and Meet Russian Dating Scammer (site(s), appplication(s))
Is she the russian scammer? For receive your money, she used this Bank Account

Is she the russian scammer? All known phone numbers (usernames on Skype, WhatsApp etc) of this scammer, which we have!

Is She the russian scammer? All known additional details of this scammer, which we have. If we have a text of scammer's letter(s), it'll be remark in this color.

Polina Leonidovna Leznina. Typical "looking for a nice guy" wannabe. Sent me whole story about herself and her family, most likely all scam (or stolen from somebody elses profile), including likely stolen photo of university degree.
We exchanged many e-mails as I was curious where it goes. Supposedly gradually felt in love with me though the narrative of the e-mails was still pretty much the same with quite a little of feedback for my questions or demands. Concluded with "her" (if it's actually a woman) demanding to "lend" her 33200 roubles to cover costs of flying here.
All e-mails were translated to czech, although quite good (supposedly her father was teaching czech language - somewhere behind Ural, sure :D)

The last one demanding moneiz:
Ahoj m??j mil?? Name.
Jsem r??da, ??e jsem obdr??ela tv??j dopis.
Pasa???©r je film v lodi. V?­za jsou vyd??v??na,ale bude t?™eba pozv??n?­.
P?™ed na???­m setk??n?­m se velmi boj?­m. To je pro m?› d??le??it?? krok. Dnes jsem se probudila v 7 hodin a okam??it?› jsem ??la do prace. Byla jsem velmi smutn??, proto??e mi ???©f mi nemohl p??j??it pen?­ze. Byla jsem velmi rozru??en?? a na??tvan??. Trochu se mi v o???­ch objevily slzy. M??j ???©f ?™ekl, ??e kdyby mohl pomoct, pomohl bych. Te?? mi nem????e pomoct. To je velmi smutn?©. M??j mil????ku Name, nev?­m, co m??m d?›lat. U?? jsem uzav?™ela dohodu s cestovn?­ kancel???™?­ a zaplatila pen?­ze. Nemohu smlouvu ukon??it, proto??e cestovn?­ kancel???™ ji?? za??ala zpracov??vat dokumenty. O n?›kolik dn?­ pozd?›ji mus?­m zaplatit zbytek pen?›z. M??j ???©f ji?? podepsal v??echny dokumenty a svou dovolenou nemohu odlo??it. Dnes jsem ud?›lala v??e, co jsem mohla. Dnes, kdy?? jsem se probudila byla velmi ????astn??. Zpo????tku jsem t?› ani necht?›la ps??t, proto??e jsem se b??la, ??e se nikdy nest?™etneme. Name, opravdu chci b??t s tebou!
Opravdu douf??m, ??e brzy budeme spolu a realizujeme v??echny na??e dlouho o??ek??van?© sny. Dnes noc?­ nemohla usnout, proto??e ve hlav?› jen my??lenky o n???? a o vztahu s tebou... Myslela jsem o t?›be a na??e setk??n?­ s tebou... psala jsem t?› a doufala, ??e se m????eme setkat na m?© dovolen?©. Chci t?› obj?­mat a l?­bat... Proto??e jsi osoba, kterou v m?©m ??ivot?›
Name, nen?­ pro m?› vhodn?© ????dat o pomoc, ale abych k teb?› p?™i??la, pot?™ebuji tvou pomoc. Vzhledem k tomu, nemohu zaplatit za cestu s??ma! Ud?›lala jsem v??echno, co jsem mohla.
M????u doufat v to ??e mi pom????e??? Name, m????e?? mi p??j??it 33200 rubl???
Co si o tom mysl?­??? Mus?­me bojovat za na??e ??t?›st?­. Chci se s tebou setkat. Nesm?­me se vzd??t! Mus?­me jen ud?›lat mal?© kroky pro na??e ??t?›st?­! Milujeme se navz??jem, tak??e mus?­me b??t spolu, mus?­me setk??n?­ u??init realitou. Ud?›lala jsem prvn?­ krok ke ??t?›st?­.
Te?? mus?­me jen zaplatit tuto ????stku, pak m????u b??t s tebou. Nic mi nezabr??n?­ vstoupit do tv?© zem?›.
Samoz?™ejm?› jsem z toho velmi rozru??en??. Ale co jsou pen?­ze ve srovn??n?­ s na???­ l??skou?
Name, jsem tak smutn??, ??e pen?­ze n??m br??n?­ b??t spolu! Pen?­ze pro m?› nikdy nebyly v ??ivot?› d??le??it?© a nyn?­ mi tento probl?©m p?™in?????­. Te?? se styd?­m a jsem ne????astn??! Netrv??m na tom, abych tebe po????dala opomoc. To je pro m?› velmi nep?™?­jemn?©. Ale a?? potom m????eme spojit na??e srdce!
Moc t?› miluji! Jsem tak samotna bez tebe! Opravdu chci b??t s tebou!
Nyn?­ p?­??u dopis a ??ek??m na tvoje odpov?›??. Douf??m, ??e se spln?­ v??echny na??e sny. Opravdu douf??m, ??e se to stane co nejd?™?­ve, a budeme schopni realizovat na??e sny! Douf??m, ??e mi brzy odpov?­??.
Miluji t?›??????????
Stal jsi v m?©m ??ivot?› d??le??itou osobou. Nechci t?› ztratit.
Tvoje Polina
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